Keep Them Warm

Winnipeg winters are horrendously cold. That's one of the things we're famous for. For our community cats, our long months of bitterly cold weather can be brutal. Our Keep Them Warm program funds our fall spay and neuter drive, as well as providing food and shelter to help keep our community cats healthy and warm.
Fall Spay & Neuter Drive: in September, October and November (right up until it's too cold to trap), we try to spay or neuter as many community cats as possible. This helps them survive through the winter by making sure that they do not have to struggle with mating or caring for kittens. It also prevents the birth of hundreds of kittens that would suffer horribly through the winter months, and hundreds more that would otherwise be born in early spring.
Winter Shelters: every October we host a shelter building workshop, where volunteers make dozens of simple winter shelters to help community cats survive through the winter. These shelters are available to our colony managers, free of charge. Any extra shelters are sold for a nominal fee, as a program fundraiser.
Feeding Stations: community cats at our managed colony sites are fed every day. Simple feeding stations protect the food from wind and precipitation, keeping it dry and tasty for the cats.
Fall Spay & Neuter Drive: in September, October and November (right up until it's too cold to trap), we try to spay or neuter as many community cats as possible. This helps them survive through the winter by making sure that they do not have to struggle with mating or caring for kittens. It also prevents the birth of hundreds of kittens that would suffer horribly through the winter months, and hundreds more that would otherwise be born in early spring.
Winter Shelters: every October we host a shelter building workshop, where volunteers make dozens of simple winter shelters to help community cats survive through the winter. These shelters are available to our colony managers, free of charge. Any extra shelters are sold for a nominal fee, as a program fundraiser.
Feeding Stations: community cats at our managed colony sites are fed every day. Simple feeding stations protect the food from wind and precipitation, keeping it dry and tasty for the cats.
Please use this button to make your donation to the Keep Them Warm program. If this is a gift or memorial, please let us know in the Notes / Special Instructions box.
Please remember that Craig Street Cats is a non-profit, but not a charity. Your gifts are not tax deductible.
Cheques may be sent to: Craig Street Cats 16 - 1421 St. James St. Winnipeg, MB R3H 0Y9 Email Money Transfers may be sent to: [email protected] Thank you for your support! |