Most days I feel good about my job. I save lives for a living. That's something to feel good about. On days like today, however, I despair of ever making a difference.
Today 4 tiny, 10 day old kittens were found tied into a plastic bag, and left to die in a Selkirk Ave. field. This was a deliberate, blatant act of cruelty. The person who did this will probably do it again.
Somehow, a significant portion of our populace has come to believe that it is okay to make other beings suffer. It's okay to inflict pain. It's okay to kill. It's okay to stuff helpless kittens into a plastic bag and leave them to die.
If this was the first time something like this had happened at CSC, I'd be shocked. Unfortunately, we see it all the time. This week 2 kittens were found abandoned on a door step. Not long ago 2 kittens were found tied into a plastic bag and stuffed in a garbage bin. We've taken in kittens that were tossed from moving vehicles, taped into boxes and left on the side of the road, dumped out on the street and abandoned, and left locked in empty apartments when their owners moved. All of the people who did these things thought that they were okay things to do.
I am no longer shocked at the truly evil things that some people think are okay things to do. I am angry. Angry that these kittens have suffered. Angry that they are now at much higher risk of disease, infection, and death because they are not with their mother. Angry that whoever did this is free to do it again. Angry that even if caught, the scum that would kill helpless kittens would probably not receive any punishment for the crime.
And I don't feel good about that.
Today 4 tiny, 10 day old kittens were found tied into a plastic bag, and left to die in a Selkirk Ave. field. This was a deliberate, blatant act of cruelty. The person who did this will probably do it again.
Somehow, a significant portion of our populace has come to believe that it is okay to make other beings suffer. It's okay to inflict pain. It's okay to kill. It's okay to stuff helpless kittens into a plastic bag and leave them to die.
If this was the first time something like this had happened at CSC, I'd be shocked. Unfortunately, we see it all the time. This week 2 kittens were found abandoned on a door step. Not long ago 2 kittens were found tied into a plastic bag and stuffed in a garbage bin. We've taken in kittens that were tossed from moving vehicles, taped into boxes and left on the side of the road, dumped out on the street and abandoned, and left locked in empty apartments when their owners moved. All of the people who did these things thought that they were okay things to do.
I am no longer shocked at the truly evil things that some people think are okay things to do. I am angry. Angry that these kittens have suffered. Angry that they are now at much higher risk of disease, infection, and death because they are not with their mother. Angry that whoever did this is free to do it again. Angry that even if caught, the scum that would kill helpless kittens would probably not receive any punishment for the crime.
And I don't feel good about that.